Monday, March 03, 2008
international women's day 08
I am super surprise by the amount of girls who do not feel like they support the idea of gender equality. We went around college today asking people to sign our banner and i have been asking around if they would want to buy a T shirt
Its like, come on, if it wasn't for women's rights movements, there would not be jobs for you right now or even be in university!!! Women has been discriminated since FOREVER!
but anyways, a lot of people have misconceptions as to what is gender equality.
No, we do not mean that men have to have babies and women have to stop wearing skirts!
It just means equal opportunities. like, getting paid equally, becoming a pilot, becoming a president, or smaller achievable things like becoming the breadwinner of the family without being ridiculed. or smoking and drinking without being a called a "slut". do not get "cat calls" the (pheeweeet thing guys do to girls) lols. walking in a street without the fear of getting raped! Working after getting married and having 2 kids and still can be CEO.
yeah, i find it hard to believe that some girls do not believe in gender equality. women's rights are human rights too! Even if you don't believe in gender equality, at least, show some support to celebrate women!