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Friday, March 04, 2005
a day of sleeping and exercising

...this is superdy duperly COOL, right?? hope it works hahahha...like magazinelayout...

i found this cool site that teaches all the CSs codes thingy, i must learn what the heck is CSS! hahaha..
so today was a err...karen's day..

sleep+wake up+eat+oprah+online+exercise+eat fruits+online

was supposed to go to watch Lemony Snickets with Louanne and Christopher, but cancelled, cos no transport...
so i'll be stuck here....talking to Karen Lee who is also doing nothing today....haha...

IF i was alone in Sydney in my own room and with ALL the freedom i got...haih, i would so go out and sight see! haha..even if im all by myself! :p hahaha..

well, thats something i'll NEVER get as long as im under this lovely roof of my parents ;)
my comfort zone...hehe

anywayzzz...i SO wanna go for the sound of music Musical! anyone care to buy me tickets??
im so broke, i still owe my brother money for the force of nature concert....
who else is going??
i know its backstreetboys and boys 2 men=NOT COOL and LAME bands for all those hiphop+rock loving people, but hey, Black Eyed Peas and Wyclef Jon will be there too!
so why not go and help the tsunami victims! :)

Lea and Sam will be going, and they got seats right next to MEEEEE! yay!
wanna go hunt the backstreet boys?? ahhaha...old time sake!

*down memory lane....*

in case anyone dunno MY past, lea, Sam,nisha and i used to go Celeb hunting in hotels! haha...we met Blue-the boyband in J.W.W Marriot!i remmeber, it was after our choir performance in KL central, we went to the toilet, got rid of our horrifying ugly choir uniform and went to the hotel, telling ms. Low our choir teacher that we were goign to tuition in KL....hahaha...we were so nakal!
we go to boyband concerts early early, be the first to line up, but in the end, we won't get front row seats cos me and Lea always cannot run fast enough, all the other girls will catch up! we'll make Sam run for her life to "chup" seats for us!hahahahha...those were the days man!
we even used to go chase Poetic Ammo (the local rap/hiphop group incase any of you forgot...) we were like best friends with Poetic Ammo fella's...including Moots! from popshuvit and James Baum...we used to call him Jimbo! ahhaha...
REMEMBER, LEA??she was a BIG fan of jimbo. hahaha....besides meeting them up in gigs, we also went to their recording studio and lepak-ed there...i remmeber the video shoot for 'Past the Honey' one of their video...where we hung out with them in the, get this, 'VIP' room.hahahhahahahah...we were 15 then, and the tought of lepak-ing in the 'VIP' room really got us excited!:p we willbe chatting with them,taking loads and loads of personal pics, making them sign our autograph books...
we even met Ahmad Izham Omar (the CEO of 8tv) there! *got picture to prove it* hahahahha....back then he was still the CEO of Positive Tone. He's just one talented guy man! Positive Tone and 8tv is such a great success!
i miss going out with Lea and Sam and all...ever since we went to college, we never did really meet, only once or twice whenever i go to Taylors College and bumped into Lea! i miss Lea!hope we get to do the fun things we did once upon a time ago!;) but she's leaving to australia to further her studies soon also.. haih...there goes another friend!;)

for your viewing pleasure, my cute lil cousin and cute lil me!

rapheal and me
Rapheal and Karen
his mum left for work in Saudi Arabia. i hope he's alright without his mum! i miss my cousin...

Karen wrote this at.. 3/04/2005 06:23:00 PM

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