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Monday, December 20, 2004

hahaha...i dunno why but im so happy! NOT! so miserable my life...haih...i should doi something!
i've been online for everyday since my graduation...i feel weird if i never go check my mail...one reason is because i wanna know if i got my scholarship...i would so love to leave here....as my relationship with my parents is like...i dunno spoiling?we fight all the time...but i can never get angry at time for a long time..
but i dun wanna leave here too...i'll miss sidneyficance sidney so much! my brother...my friends...my room..MALAYSIA!
haih....sidney's still working...i can't see him tmr...cos its a monday...my uncle's chemo day..so yeah i dun wanna cause another war with my mum...she's been kinda cranky lately...
so what else can i do at home? i can't go shopping tmr also...cos i'll be going on tuesday...mum gave me n bro her ATM card to buy presents for everyone and also new clothes for christmas!! i can't wait!
every year i look forward to buying clothes! hahaha...dress...looking all pretty! hhahahaha...but im FAT this year...guess i dun have much options to nice dresses! :(

Kevin asked me to vote for Qings & Kueens!
so here it goes...public announcement...
TYPE "VOTE ROCK 5" and send it to 32111
its for the best Rock Band in Malaysia thingy..i hope they win! but tough competition tho....OAG, dragon red and all..
Kevin calls me his mui mui...hahaha..i guess i have another brother!yay! more brothers!

btw, i went to Rock the world! it was held in Stadium Merdeka...and woah...got about 20000 people there yesterday!(according to Jason Lo on stage..will check newspapers!) after 4 rock the worlds i've been to...this is the first time im seeing SO MANY people!
it was alright...i went with HonWai and my brother(as always).the bands were alright...i din know many bands,,,but Disagree rocked!
as usual...met Albert Ng (i think thats his link..)there..
one thing i found out! Roberta Ng is actually ALbert Ng's sister! ahhahaha....Roberta's in YAC! and i din know they were related untilm that day...funny!
hahaha...anywayz...carollign was alright...i was a bit the showing my i-dun-like-being-here that day at carolling...but it was all good...
put up the christmas tree that day! i took picture...but i haven't installed the driver for the camera thingy...cos as usual...my computer went to Dr. Aaron (my bro lar) for reformatting...

so yeah...today went to my BEC;s christmas Party..the usual gang...eating and me, bro and thomas were talking and comparing the Youth's carolling to YAC's...FINAL verdict...we'e SO MUCH better! ahahahahhaaa...so evil..but its true! played with kids...Cassandra, Jovan and Audrey...disturbed small baby! she's so cute!

goshhh! its 0210 and im here onlione-ing!
im gonna sleep! nights!

current mood: crappy
current music: lallala

Karen wrote this at.. 12/20/2004 02:08:00 AM

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