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Monday, November 21, 2005
sleepy and stressed..

hey people.

had this conversation with a certain protestant today(one of my friends who reads my blog was there, but we shall keep the names to ourselves shall we?) . quite intriguing(sp?) my conversation with her.

at first we were talking about movies. then reached the exorcism of emily rose. she was like "it wasn't scary at all...and i think its an advertisement for....*stopped* are u a catholic?" i answered "yes" she continued, "..um yea, according to my friend, who read the real story of the real emily rose, she did not see Mary and the people added that just to make catholic sound good..in fac... the real emily rose did not say " i was the demon in kane, and *insert somemore names she said, i really forgot!* the real emily rose said i am kane and *insert somemore names she said, i really forgot!*. i'm a protestant you see..."

*the way she said it may be a lil different la, but thats the gist of it la*

haha. all that. just cos she's protestant. i never knew a protestant (okay i shouldn't generalize, but a few people) that has so much against catholicism. like come on, its a freaking movie! luckily my other protestant friends aren't like that. unless they hate catholics behind my back quietly. hehe. but i doubt!

luckily the person who is my friend who reads my blog changed the topic. or else she'l go on and on abt the movie being an advertisement for catholics.

owwwh well...that was interesting. she's a nice person overall from my little conversations with her. very outgoing person.

anyways. im very very sleepy. and i think i shall sleep before continuing my lab report. i just found out that the bonus marks work is due end of the week. wasted my time doing it only yesterday! sheeessshh..

i have to finish lab report today. by hook or by crook. haha.
really wan. cos tmr i need to study for my stats test 2 which carries 15%! i need a freaking A for my stats. i can't let my stats bring me down. hehe. so far all my tests and assignments ok la. not bad.

im finally going to pay for prom tmr. i hope row and mel bring their money. im going to snoozeeeee..byebye world.


owh, and we did not win the reserch colloqium! haha. i need better psychology-friends-who-would-do-work-and-actually-help-me-in-research next sem. so that i can also win research colloqium. hehe.

it was an experience. this sem. all my ups and downs with my friends. and assignments. now i know who really is a friend and who's just using me :)

shall have a lovey dovey end of semester post soon...to write up abt my whole sem-trials and tribulations..

*imake it sound so emo. haha*

graciefoo is coming back tmr!!

Karen wrote this at.. 11/21/2005 02:13:00 PM

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