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Saturday, November 19, 2005

research colloqium sucked. well, mine sucked la. like big time. maybe i sucked. only.
oh well. at least we get our 3%! yayness!:)

im listening to malaysian music from Hitz.tv. i miss malaysian music. i miss going for gigs. i miss going for live shows. i miss my underground bands. now they're not exactly underground anymore. all famous famous adey. i miss being 16 and going for gigs was so happy.

i like this song. i think its by shelly leong. haha. i dunno, just guesing. i like tragic comedy's song. i think i have their EP. hehe. i also miss disagree. haha. miss jason lo. i miss W.I.T.T. haha. i rememeber last time i used to go gig-ing with my brother. then we'll meet up with Elaine. lainey ong. haha. she was a mad poetic ammo -point fan. till she got bored and was into rock music. i remember seeing her for the first time at KLCC during one of Poetic Ammo's shows. hehe.

aaahh... i wanna go gig-ing again!!!!!!

i want i want i want. i know my brother's not really interested anymore. so i need new kaki's...hehe..

owh well. i need to snap back to reality. i have 2 critique to do and one lab report to finish. stats assignment. study for stats. start studying for finals.. haih.

please ask me to do my lab report if u see me online? thanx..

i'm chatting with Ukay from CIMP. hehe. he's so excited to chat with me again! haha. so fun. someone actually misses me. hehe.

i finally saw karenlee and wingsun yesterday!!! it was so fun chatting with them and shopping with them. haih. i miss gracie foo now. cos it wasnt complete with only karen and wingsun!

karen lee did not get her haircut. thanx to that stooopid william. haih. so bad wan he. simply cancel!!!:( so sorry karenlee, do you still love me?? ;)

anyways. i took some pictures.photoshopped. as usual. waiting for flickr to upload only. hehe. while i do that.

CIMP Ed Board has come up with yet another album! yay! hehe. i miss edboard. go see Mr.Tan's site!

haih. i feel so lazy.. its already 611pm. i need to so do my lab report. at least the crappy introduction part.


kkw new hairstyle
haha. i was clipping up my hair cos i needed to bathe, but dowan to wash my hair. and i found my hairstyle very interesting. ahah

do you see the difference? hehe. do we look fatter after 9 months??i think i did. dont bluff me! hahaha. do we look all grown up now? haha. i am so glad i met them yesterday! hehe. so fun!

RESEARCH COLLOQIUM narscicism pictures!!
hehe. we took more, but mel deleted it just cos she thinks she doesn't look nice in there. i don't like it when people delete pictures. sheeessshh... cos then i won't have a choice as to whats noce to blog aabout. but i like this picture.. more in Amelia's camera!:)

research colloq
ok nuff said.

check out yamashitariki's site. so bomb. it changes pictures!! he's the one who did my lyyyl.net.

gtg bathe, feed the dog and start n my lab report!:) byebye!

Karen wrote this at.. 11/19/2005 05:34:00 PM

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