Friday, April 01, 2005
poser gilerr....
hahahah...i had nothing to do.
serious! haha. i'm trying to
figure out a way to earn
so that i can get that bag from
Melie Bianco. haha. and yesh
i'm loving that bag.
i wanna get a white one!haha.
so i was like telling my mum
about that oh so beautiful bag!
and guess what, she agrees tobuy it for me!hahahhaha..
i was jumping for joy!i couldn't
help it, but cry also. cos she is
so generous.must be because of
her raise she got this year!hehe.
i can't stop smiling.i'm so happy.
cannot wait to use her credit card
to buy it from ebay!
Happy April Fool's day!
that was a huge mum
would go mad if i told her it was
USD$50 and asked her to buy!
i got pranked too by none other
than Sidney! hehe.i officially
declare myself blur!hahaha.
i am super hows my
pictures up there? how do
i look? seriously??like a guy right?
hahaha. i so don't look like me.
hahahah...look wing sun, karen lee
and gracie, im trying to smile
showing my teeth! hahahahahhah!
i remember in CIMP last time, they
ALWAYS ask me to learn how to
smile showing my teeth!
now, i can, i think..what do u think?
comment below..
if u care la.
if not, thanx for reading!
i like this post!
so middle! hahhahahaahahhahah