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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

hey everyone.

i never blogged for so long. i miss writing crap about my life.

as most of you know, a virus called the Varicella simplex came inside my body about 2-3 weeks ago. So, because of that, i've been having chest pain for the past few weeks. I thought i was having mild heart attacks okay, but the doctor said the virus spreads through the lungs area, cos i breathe the virus in(so im guessing thats the cause of my chest pain?). so yea, since last Thursday, i've been poxxed. Actually only on Friday, i noticed so many spots. went to the doc. and they confirmed.

Thanks to science, i got my vaccine years ago when my brother had chicken pox and because of that, my vaccinated poxxies are less lethal. hehe. Thank GOD. So, for all you chicken pox virgins, please go get vaccine! it will make it less painful and less spots.

Although, i must say, its hard to not scratch. i already have like a few pretty visible scars on my face. i will be pizza faced girl. sooon, you will see my pizza face :(

owh wells.....i need scar removal cream ASAP.

the bad news was, my midterms were this week and i had to email lecturers and tell them of my awful condition and LUCKILY they allowed me to resit it on another day. good news, i got more time to study, bad news, i've been bumming around so much. sucks. i'm such a bummer. its not good.

anyways, i've been home bound since last friday. its not fun. i only eat blunt food (cos soy sauce will make my scars become dark coloured?) haha. its not like my skin colour is not dark already. hahaha. i can't eat chicken (for dunno what reason). i can't eat EGGS! 5 days already without eggs. life sucks without eggs in food. i've been drinking coconut water for the past 5 days!!! I'm actually very sick of coconut water. There's another packet in the fridge. yuck.

hope it will all be gone soon. i wanna get back to college and finish up my tests and assignements. and get over with this semester.

Everyone, here's a continuation of Rotten Gutterz. Colin (our very own HELP CSS Collin) and Nigel's Band. they are very very good, trust me. I mean rotten gutterz la. i haven't listen to Hotscotch yet. the music on their page isn't working. So yeah, they're playing on the 21st in JAMM Asia. So please go watch them!:) i'm not sure if i'm going. If i'm free and elaine wants to teman me, maybe i'll go!:)

Yo peeps. This band consist of 5 gifted peeps in diffen feels. U have andrea matthews with da soulfull voice of aretha franklin, collin nunis da john mayer of malaysia, nigel fernandez , well lets leave that for u to find out, and finally kingsley and daniel, the rocking souls of da band. The band was born when collin and nigel, former members of rotten gutterz decided to reform as their dying love for music was still burning in their hearts. collin brought kinglsey a solo guitarist into da band and nigel called his 2 buddies andrea and daniel. After 1 practice, they felt there was tremendous magic and chemistry between them. They decided to stay together and play as a band. In time to come, they willl be ROCKING YOUR WORLD. Come over to Jamm Asia on da 21st of march and Feel their magic empower your lives.
go and try if you can listen to their music on their page. They should get a myspace account. cos there's where you can find other bands and other people who support malaysian indie music.

i'm currently uploading like a whole load of February pictures, for my keepsake. hehe.

i think my mother's calling me.

and yes, FF soon after i'm recovered...haha. my FF post got so much replies man. haha.

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Karen wrote this at.. 2/28/2007 07:22:00 PM

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