Friday, January 05, 2007
(tblog archive) I'm so tired
11.30.03 (4:12 am)
heyya...tried uploading stuff...but won't work...darn...i don't like HTML! sucks man...
yesterday was one tiring day....went for thr DRIVING tutorial...from 8-5!! damn those JPJ people..i was at METRO DRIVING was so near phan shean's place...! eyy phan shean...go for the tutorial next sat/sunday...then we go for the UJIAN AMALI together! alrights? :wink:
alrights...i'm officially in my church's choir...YAY...its kinda very nice...cos we have like a small orchestra! 2 guitars,5 violins,2 flutes,1 bass,a pianist...:lol: :lol: :lol:
hahaha...its all good...
one last try...
bleh...crappy..i think i uploaded wrongly...instead of image.jpg mine's image.JPG...if ya wanna see any pictures...go to..." title="" target="_blank"
sidney's mesage...i just wanted to keep it somewhere...
Ok LJ, you need a code, email this girl Sholeh
and tell her you know me and you need a code, i
think she has extra is not with me
right now. her email add is
aarrrgghhhh...i wrote one looooonnngggg reply to sidney and it all got missing!!! aarrrgghhh,,,,so angry!!!
Labels: archive, tblog