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Saturday, May 21, 2005
hair pin

i found out a way to get my hair out of my face! hair pin!:) haha..
yea, i found an old pin i found in my old old box thingy. that box thingy, i remember, i used to bug my mum to buy it for me! hehe. then when i finally got it i was super happy! hahaha..
today was meaningless..anyway, i was supposed to study, but i dun think i can with my uncle n aunt here watching football with my brother n father. Arsenal vs MU? sth like that.

i shall start studying later when i think i wanna sleep. haih. so boring laaa...haih..

victoria has xanga premium! yay for her! now that she has linked me...i see many ppl coming from her site! haha. HELLO! people from victoria's xanga site! welcome to me blog! i have nothing much here..u can read my old posts. go see my pictures and stuff..i have a xanga site too! hehe.

anywhoooooo...i hope sidney comes online today. i wanna chat with him. riki's not replying my messages. too depressed i guess. so bored la. no one to talk to. haih. so the last resort...i shall blog.

blog blog blog.

blog blog blog.

what shall i blog about? something important? someone famous? i shall blog about ME! the most famous person in my heart! right heart? hehe. so anyway, karen's lost her touch on studying. haha. did she? oh man...i so need to step up and study.

its been a while since i posted a picture! right??oh no i did, my handbags from target. haha.MY konon. hehe.

---the paragraph below...u won't understand, unless u're me!so read if u want!---

there's a youth concert today! some jubilee thingy at bukit jalil. i think its today...im not sure...heheh..i was supposed to go but no one to go with. nobody wants to go to a church event with me. haha. i never had close close friend in church. i wonder why. i used to. but she doesn't come to church anymore. or at least come for any activities. the church youth "battle" is now silent. haha. i still wonder if i should join the "real" church youths. but everytime i think of joining the "real" church youths i feel like puking...seriously. i just dunno why. haha. i figured, i shall just NOT join any youth group. but leaving YAC is like tearing out a piece of me. i mean..a few of us..in year 2001, formed YAC. we built YAC. we went for dreadful meetings in the small toilet sized cubicle room, listen to uncle ben talk about leadership. listen to Sister Getrude about praying and being a leader. we were leaders! hehe. i guess. me, victor, louanne, christopher, sam. we were the only one who was willing to come to build a new youth! haha. Sam eventually din come for any meetings. left, me+Louanne+Chris+Victor and then the F5 joined. they made YAC bigger and more cheerful. we went for meetings. worshipped. played. carolling. man...last eyar was the best of YAC man. everything was going so well. till they found out about us having the edge and spoiling our strength. the things they said about us. the bad bad thigns they said about our leaders(the bigger ones la) i guess, it really took something out of our group. me were a strong group. really. they spoilt us. we are now all having second thought about YAC. thats bad. cos nothing was supposed to break YAC. really, nothing. i could cry if we ever bubarkan YAC. haih. oh no, getting all sad...change topic.


okays. what else we can talk about today. oh ya. i made a stupid mistake. haih. its so stupid that you have to ask me then i'll tell u. (i dowanna tell the whole world how stupid i am, u think im stupid ar??) ;P

i wonder how's hazel doing...miss her blogging. never heard from her since a week ago. hmmm...she has a Hp number i think. but din tell me about it. so i shall just shaddap! hehe.

CIMP's exams r next week! good luck to all CIMP'ers. i doubt anyone of you visit here anyways!according to Glorie, who is the Valedictorian for this sem, many teachers are leaving again. CONGRATS to ms Glorie...so proud of her. EdBoard member! hehe. editorial board will always have a special place in my heart! :)

i need to get a new bag for college. a shoulder bag. i saw one in Padini Authentics. yay! RM19.90 i think. okla..not bad. i mana ada money to buy more expansive ones?? right? so the PDI one will do.

oh ya, the other day, Imm found a new shop to eat at KPD block. hehe. finally some chinese mixed rice (no pork tho!) haha. the other place, at HP building, where there's malay/indian food is not really nice. i like cheap food. then i get more money to spend on stupid stuff. haha.

karen needs to talk to someone!:(

where's everyone???

Karen wrote this at.. 5/21/2005 10:15:00 PM

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